Welcome, if you want to take control of your health and aging you are in the right place…
Whether you have been suffering from unexplained symptoms or health ailments, constantly struggling with your weight and cravings, and/or feeling lost and confused by all the conflicting information out there. I want to offer you a scientifically and research-based, life-changing, holistic, and mindful approach to healing your body, taking control of your life and health, and making fear, worry, and uncertainty of who to trust a thing of the past.
I am a board-certified nutrition specialist with a master's degree in clinical nutrition. Having faced my own health crises and coming out the other end victorious, strong, and confident led me to pursue this career path as I feel it's my life path to do so. I want to help you understand how your body works and guide you through your healing process, be it the emotional or physical realm, as everything in the body is intertwined.
How the lymphatic system is in charge of our health
Our body is made up of two fluids blood and lymph. When you accidentally cut your finger and notice clear liquid come before you see the blood, that is lymph. An average 130 lb. body has about 12 liters of interstitial fluid.
Everything in our body is made of cells; we have about 30 trillion of them. The blood pumped by our heart brings nutrients to the cells while the lymphatic system (called the sewage system) removes the cellular waste, moves dietary fats from the GI tract to the bloodstream, and serves as our immune system. The lymph has to rely on lymphatic vessel contraction and our muscle and organ movement to circulate around the body. Very often, when we have been chronically dehydrated for years, lymph becomes stagnant, and cellular waste accumulates in our lymphatic system and around our cells in the interstitial fluid; U can visualize this as a blanket covering the cell, not letting it function and carry out its functions properly thats what inflammation is created. What causes chronic dehydration are diets: high protein, high fat, and low amount of hydrating fruits and vegetables, as well as caffeine and alcohol, which act as a diuretic causing us to lose precious salts and minerals. Inadequate movement, sleep, and muscle tension constrict lymph movement and drainage. Many of us have lived in this state of chronic dehydration for years, where stagnation and blockades similar to a plaque inside a kettle have formed in our lymphatic nodes, vessels, and around the cells. Drinking water can only do so much and will not break down these blockages and bottlenecks. The most hydrating, cleansing, and easiest-to-digest food is fruit. Fruit contains organic acids, but that doesn't mean it's acidic. Not only does it leave alkaline ash as a waste product but it also aids in breaking the congestion by means of its astringency. The most cleansing fruits are dark grapes, lemons, oranges, watermelon, and pineapple; these foods also have a high water content which serves to rehydrate and help lymph flow easily, clearing the accumulated waste and thus returning vitality and health to our organs and tissues by allowing for regeneration and healing.
Cholesterol induced toxicity in the body.
On the gram